Ressources and acknowledgementsFirst of all...CuteMarks is open source and distributed under the GPL. Second: I'd like to thank the developers of phplib, they've done a great job with providing this fine piece of software. It really makes live a lot easier. To note it again: The template functions of phplib are included as source in the distribution of CuteMarks. Then there is a list of persons I'd like to thank especially as they've provided help, source and others to this small project.
Contributions to cutemarksWith 1.0.2 I've added a contrib/ folder which contains contributed code. This code is not validated nor tested in any way. So please use it on your own risk. Staying up to dateFinally: Join the mailing-list for announcements of new releases of cutemarks, report bugs if you found some or just drop me a mail if you like ,-) |